Väfskolan i Borås 1866-2009 / The weaving school in Borås 1866-2009

Väfskolan i Borås/The weaving school in Borås has had a unique position in weaving in Sweden and has also had an influence internationally. It is the foundation of what is today the Swedish School of Textiles at the University of Borås. The school started as Borås Tekniska Väfskola/Borås Technical Weaving School in 1866 and from the beginning trained hand weavers for both home industry and factory production.The publication focuses on the importance of Väfskolan in various areas - research and education, the textile industry and in art and culture. The history of the Väfskolan also reflects the position of hand weaving in society. Those who have been trained at Väfskolan work today as industrial designers, researchers, craftsmen, artists, in the cultural sector and in education.
The book is richly illustrated and consists of three parts: the history and practice of Väfskolan, followed by professional portraits of nine former students. The final part is about research and work on reconstructions of historical material. An important source material for the book has been the archive collected at the University of Borås, much of which has not previously been published.
A large part of the book is devoted to the reconstruction projects that have made Väfskolan and the University of Borås famous both in Sweden and internationally, such as the work on Queen Margareta's golden dress. The two editors of the book are Kazuyo Nomura, who was a student at the school in the 1980s and has worked on several major reconstruction projects, and Åsa Haggren, lecturer at the Swedish School of Textiles, who taught at Väfskolan.
ISBN 9789189271746
Swedish 255 pages
Copyright: ©2022
MÖTEN Textilier från oasen Siwa med omnejd, Egyptens västra öken /
MEETINGS Textiles from the Siwa Oasis and surroundings, Western Desert of Egypt

by Kazuyo Nomura and Christina Rinaldo, written in Swedish.
It is mainly about the textiles from the Berber people in the Siwa Oasis and the Bedouins in the western desert, Egypt.
It is mainly about the textiles from the Berber people in the Siwa Oasis and the Bedouins in the western desert, Egypt.
In Egypt, there is still a strong handcraft tradition, in the crowds of Cairo, in remote villages and sand-coloured oases. Textile handicrafts in Egypt live on from antiquity to the present in everyday life and feast of the Egyptians. Christina Rinaldo is a former senior lecturer in hand weaving at the School of Textiles in Borås, and Kazuyo Nomura is a textile artist, handweaver. We had previously worked in analysis on Pharaonic textiles in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo in the late 1990s. We continued to study textiles in mostly the western desert area of Egypt. We have made many trips over the past decade. A number of the textiles from the Siwa Oasis in the book are Rinaldo's gift to the World Culture Museum in Sweden.
The book is for sale at
ISBN 9789151954028
Swedish 63 pages
Copyright: ©2020