wind and water / vind och vatten
Textile work in the entrance hall of an office building on Kungsholmen in Stockholm
Commissioned by AP-fastigheter 2007

The place was on a wall in a new entrance on the ground floor of an extension between two office buildings from the 30s.
Four woven fabrics hang two by two on the wall. The stripes of the tapestries show the rhythm of nature - wind and water which was transformed from the wind speed and water level in Stockholm at noon every day for a whole year 2005 from SMHI.
The two hanging in front are stripes of wind. The gaps between the gray reflex stripes show the wind speed, when it was very windy, then the stripes are wide. The woven fabrics behind show the water level. When the water was higher than normal, silver thread was woven in, and when the water level was lower than normal, earth colour was woven in.