Maj 2023
COLOUR PALETTE - woods and meadows /
FÄRGPALETT - skog och ängsmark
Works for the nursing home in Hallsberg
Autumn 2022
Publication of a book about The Weaving School in Borås.
”Väfskolan i Borås 1866-2009"
Editor: Åsa Haggren and Kazuyo Nomura
Publisher: University of Borås
Spring - Summer 2021
group exhibition
1 / 5 - 11 / 7
Västsvenska Mönster & Textilkonstnärer / West Swedish Designer & Textile artists
at Not Quite
February 2021
"Konstellationen – ljusets trådar och mörkrets
/ The Constellation - threads of light and darkness"
13 /2 - 3 /3
Exhibition at the Galleri Anna H. in Gothenburg
November 2020
" Klæði / Textile" 9 - 22 / 1 1
Exhibition at the Nordic House in the Faroe Islands
September 2020
New publication
MÖTEN - Textilier från oasen Siwa med omnejd, Egyptens västra öken /
MEETINGS - Textiles from the Siwa Oasis and surroundings, Western Desert of Egypt
by Kazuyo Nomura and Christina Rinaldo